Thursday, November 20, 2008

Where else is there to go, once you've made it to the top?

Just when I thought I'd heard it all from power couple B and Jay-Z, today its been announced that they have reached the top of Forbes's power couple list for earnings this year. Yes they beat out our favorite couple, Will and Jada, who got second place with $85 million earned combined. Oh yeah and they beat out the most likely richest couple, David and Victoria Beckham, who only made top three with $58 million combined. So how much dough did Sasha and Jigga pull in this year, drum roll please.........$162 million combined in 2008 alone!!!!!

Damn that's a lot of cheese! My question is who made the bulk of it, B or J? I've got my bet on B. You like how I keep her name first, don't you! I think J may have been making more than her before but, in 2008, she might have him beaten him! Let's see the new album, House of Dereon and Dereon, L'Oreal, Tommy Hilfiger True Star and True Star Gold, Emporio Armani,and the list goes on.....Yeah she definitely brings home the bacon.

I'm happy to see black couples doing so well. I mean come on its been great in 08'! Our new First Family is Black and now Beyonce and Jay-Z are on the top of Forbes's list with Will and Jada right behind. Who would have thought!

Stay Tuned Cause We're Juicy~ Peaches

Here is the "Single Ladies" parody with Beyonce and Justin Timberlake that aired on SNL last week. Enjoy!

Oh yes and Shouts Out to my friends of DST- Delta Nu, your stroll was really cute at Jessica's 25th B-Day party the other night!

Parody Of "Single Ladies" On Saturday Night Live from joni mulach on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

OMG! I got a shout-out on the blog! I love it!

Peaches and Applelonia said...

Is this Jessica? I mean Chocolatte, LOL!