Saturday, November 22, 2008

Breaking News that touched my heart!

A few months ago I became aware of this family's story on the news. I was touched by the community outreach that resulted from the story. A family with nothing ended up with a Suburban and a new house in a "good" neighborhood. But last night, this new story really has me thinking. Watch first......

Now here are my thoughts. I hate to point fingers or follow stereotypes, but come on. We all know that most impoverished children (children in large families on welfare, children from broken homes, etc.) are not adequately cared for by their parents. It doesn't take money to raise a child to be mannerly, or to teach a child, or even to love a child. It takes time, effort, and true care. I don't know the ends and outs of this story but I can't help to think that this family was given a little lead way to step in the right direction, and the parents still did not properly care for their children.

I can also assume that if the two parents started out with nothing, then they probably work very hard, i.e. long hours, to keep up with their new lifestyle. This may result in these children spending too much time unattended and running wild. I hate to feel this way, but we all know how it goes. I also hate to agree with the white neighbor who says, "It makes me think they would have been better off going to DEFACS." I am praying for the little girl and I hope she returns from the hospital with minor head injuries. Shame on it all!

Stay Tuned Cause We're Juicy~ Peaches


Anonymous said...

Aight Peaches and Appelonia, let me play the Devil's advocate here. All we know is that one of the kids had a head trauma and was severely hurt. With all those damn kids running around anything could have happened. Isn't it a little early to indict the family. They may have been negligent but did someone intentionally knock the kid upside the head with a phonebook? We don't know.

AND... during my community service days (court appointed..Ssshhh....) I came across plenty of well mannered, polite, smart and respectful kids who's main issues were dirty clothes and no lunch money.

I hope the kid is okay and that nobody hurt her on purpose but at the same time, don't get sucked into the journalistic "spin" you see on the news every night. There are always two sides to every story. My two cents..

Big Cuz, Cp

Peaches and Applelonia said...

Thanks for your comment. But I must say a few things. I doubt that anyone in the family intentionally knocked the girl in the head. But the fact that you had to say the family may have been neglegent, is exactly the point I was making!! Why do the kids need to be running around wild in the first place? I'm simply saying in most cases like this one the parents have too many damn kids with no money and they have no means of looking after the kids. Which cause the kids to run wild, turn to the streets, etc. It is a sad situation but I hate when certain people get hand outs and they still neglect their main responsibilites. Anyway sad to say I hear that the girl past away. I am praying for this family and I hope the parents have enough sense to start looking after the rest of their kids!

Anonymous said...

It was great for the family to be gifted with a car and a home. But it sounds like they needed the additional gift of consistent, long-term (social? health?) services for their large family. Otherwise, they're living the same existence they were in their car. Without addressing underlying issues, a change of scenery seems like a nice short-term gift but accomplishes little in terms of helping this family really grow and strengthen. Hopefully their child will be all right and the right attention paid to them in the future.